Saturday, August 17, 2013

Day 1

My first blog...on my 43rd birthday.  Why I am doing this?  Self expression?  To share great ideas. thoughts, or training programs?  Maybe a little bit of everything.  I have always loved to write and starting a blog seemed liked an interesting way to gather my thoughts.  What is going to be the hardest part of this new endeavor?  CONSISTENCY!  So my first goal is post every day for the next 365 days.  Yes, until my 44th birthday. 
So here is little workout I did today with my Training Partner, David:
1 Rep Max Dead Lift (heavier than last week which was 505#) FAILED AT 520#
Max Rep @ 405# = 9x
10-8-6-4-2 Pulls up followed by 1-3-5-7-9 C2B Pull Ups
3x12 Light Good Mornings @ 95,135,155#
4x6 Close Grip Pull Downs      

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